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Why Choose NEVEM

  • Career development We attach great importance to the personal development of our employees. Based on their individual circumstances, we provide them with professional training and guidance to help them establish suitable career growth paths.
  • Salary-related In addition to competitive industry salaries, we also offer various additional bonuses, including performance bonuses, project-specific bonuses, year-end bonuses, employee loyalty rewards, and talent referral bonuses.
  • Employee benefits We provide employees with benefits such as meal allowances, travel allowances, and free parking. During major holidays, we give employees exquisite and practical gifts. We have also established an “Energy Boost Station” group that regularly provides employees with a wide variety of snacks.
  • International perspective NEVEM is experiencing rapid development and is actively expanding its overseas business. We will provide employees with plenty of opportunities for international exchange and learning, allowing them to gain diverse and enriching work experiences.

Working Environment

Employee Activities

2024 Annual Meeting
2023 Mid-autumn Festival


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